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The Company

Our business.

Increasingly fast evolution of technological products and services require companies to have new innovation methodologies and greater agility structures and skills. SmartFuture was founded on this fact by offering our engineering expertise in technological innovation.

Our job at SmartFuture is to help Managers of these companies to better control their evolution towards more technology.

An experienced founder

SmartFuture was created in the mid-2011 in the south of France by Paul Bertrand, its President. Paul Bertrand is an entrepreneur who has founded several companies including Watteco, a startup specialized in smart objects communication.

The Passion for innovation

Paul Bertrand has always been fond of technological innovation. He is the author of numerous patents and international publications in fields as distinct as diffractive optics, acoustics, signal processing, power line communication or Internet of Things.


  • In 1984, he joined ONERA (French National Research Center) where he developed methods for submarines noise sources localization.
  • From 1990 to 1997, he led the company Imagine Technologies and developed real-time acoustic hardware for the Navy and industry.
  • From 1998 to 2011, he created and directed with Jean-Noël Loiseau the company Watteco, technology leader in the field of SmartGrids and communication for low-power IPv6 sensors. He is the author of all the company’s patents, that has raised over € 10 million from venture capitalists.
  • Paul Bertrand has participated in numerous standardization committees in Europe and in the United States (IEEE, ETSI, CENELEC …).
  • Former board member of the cluster “Capénergies”.
  • Director and member of the Technical Advisory Board of IPSO Alliance (IP for Smart Objects).
  • He is co-author of technical books and white papers on the technology of current carriers.
  • Paul Bertrand is a graduate of ENSTA.
  • He is 63 years old and fluent in English and Spanish.